Sunday, June 8, 2008


Dear Bloggie.

It has finally come across to me, that i've begun to question friendship. The thought of the year ending coming to an end, has began the recalling of the year, the memories and the love. With all of this in mind, it also brings on the on coming summer, where friendships die down and things just become a thing in the past.

Somethings have been bugging me. such as how people can really instigate on how friendship last for ever, but how can that be true? its like stating that flowers (metaphorical friendship) can last forever without the proper care and really just care.

It makes me question on what the future brings. *sigh* maybe its just the heat thats getting to me. But all i know is that i really can wait for the summer to come, it might be out of the ordinary. but to be honest, i rather have school and friends then no school and no one. maybe this is why i have affection towards school, and some what look forward to what it brings. maybe this is the true side of me, the side that only you get to see bloggie, because no one ever takes the effort to get to know people anymore.

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