Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I hate people call anyone an "emo". They call people emo because of maybe their haircut, clothes, and style of music/fashion? How would you like to be called skinhead wanna-be gangster trying to act black? I guess I hate people who stereotype without logic involved ( I call those people ignorant), even though I do it. But I do it for fun and I guess it just gets on my nerves when people calling a band emo because their songs have emotion in it. Does that mean anyone that has some sort of emotion is emo? Lets take for instance a rap song, doesn't that depict emotion so then therefore I guessed it called emo as well? What about people who are more openly to share their emotions are emo's too? Why because they have emotions? Then what the FUCK are you? A non emotional stick?

So grow a pair and live life as it is, not judging people or things by it cover.

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