Friday, January 11, 2008

I wanna know

This week has been weird, everyone lately has been less social due to finals. It seems like everything is going by so fast, and to think about it 12 days ago (less than 2 weeks) it was 2007! To think of it these last 12 days have been really long but yet some how fast. 4 and 1/2 months are school are done. To think about it only 5 and a couple of days of school left. Does it feel like time flies by so fast? Like its 10pm right now, and i thought i just came home. (insert sigh).

So relating to the title "I wanna know"
i want to know all the answers in the world
i want to know the secrets of love
i want to know the secrets of life
i want to know how did the power rangers get their superpowers
i want to know how does time travel work
i want to know how to be happy
i want to know how to make you smile. laugh
i want to know how to achieve my dreams
i just want to know....

1 comment:

heartonmysleeve said...

hey shao
you're right, time does fly fast.
but i wish it would fly faster ... but that's just me.
you know, some things you just want to fly by and for some things you wish time could go by slower.
see you sunday- can't wait.

p.s. you have to end everything with SONGS
p.p.s write me a note over weekend! so then you can give it to me on sunday and then i can give you one on monday. LONGGGG ones.